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The Comprehensive National Fisheries Industry Development Plan Medium Term 2016-2020 Presented at th

The Comprehensive National Fisheries Industry Development Plan Medium Term 2016-2020 Presented at the Fisheries Summit and the First Bangus Congress @PTTC, February 3,2016 The Fisheries Code or Republic Act 8550, as amended by RA 10654, mandates that the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources develop and implement a Comprehensive National Fisheries Industry Development Plan (CNFIDP). The first plan was developed in 2006, where a 20-year framework was crafted. Ten years has passed, new opportunities and challenges in the fishing grounds and the markets,the ASEAN economic integration,climate change, high poverty incidence,depleting fish stocks and degradation of the fish habitats, called for the update from 2016-2020. The development of the CNFIDP Medium Term Plan was spearheaded by BFAR and involved stake holders in a series of intensive transparent participative process of consultations involving all sectors: capture,aquaculture,post harvest and trade and marketing each having it's own technical working group.

​ The focused objectives are:

1. Sufficient contributions to national food security

2. Inclusive growth within the industry

3.sustainable science based management practices

4. Compliant with international standards, local laws,regulations

5.strengthened capacities in infrastructure, technologies,human resources and information


6. Resilience to environmental hazards.

Targets 1% annual growth in municipal captured fishes with consideration of proper management interventions. 5% annual growth in commercial captured fishes in new fishing grounds or with positive management interventions. Increase in aquaculture production for key species. (Milkfish 4%,tilapia 6%,shrimp 10%,etc.) Reduction of post harvest losses fro 25% to15% in 5 years and100% compliance of facilities to hygiene and sanitation. Increase the value and volume of traded fish and fishery products for domestic and export.


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