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DAR has identified 44 graduates of agri-related courses from the provinces of Cagayan and Palawan

The Department of Agrarian Reform (#DAR) has identified 44 graduates of agriculture-related courses from the provinces of Cagayan and Palawan as beneficiaries of the Duterte administration’s agrarian reform program.

On February 5, DAR will hold an inaugural #distributionofcertificatesoflandownershipaward (#CLOAs).

DAR Secretary #JohnCastriciones said this is the first time that the agency would give #freelandstoagriculturalgraduates to enable them to practice their profession on their very own farm and encourage the youth in general to embrace farming and reinforce the aging sector, in which the average age of some 11 million Filipino farmers is 57. #thankyoufortheinvite #photosborrowedfromnonongvelasco


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